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Legal notices

Responsible for publication
16, Fin de VAUXELLES
39600 MONTIGNY-LES-ARSURES - France/Jura
SARL with capital of 10 000 €
Intracommunity number : FR 17 878 796 754 - SIRET : 878 796 754
Tél. Mobile (+33) 06 49 52 68 19 - (+33) 06 49 52 68 18
e-mail :

Attilastudio - Emmanuel Viau
Tél. : (+33) 06 30 07 48 81
e-mail :
Tipiportage - Emmanuel Viau
Parc Avenue - BP 30038
598, Boulevard Albert Camus
69652 Villefranche-sur-Saône CEDEX
SIREN : 480 126 838 00022
Código APE : 745A
N° TVA intra : FR 75 480 126 838 00014.

Host site :
OVH - SAS with capital of 10 069 020 €
Siège social :
2 rue kellermann
59100 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 - France
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE : 2620Z
Intracommunity number : FR 22 424 761 419 00045
General conditions of service
VALIDITY OF THE CONVENTION OF SERVICE. Our general conditions of Service are only valid, even in case of opposite indications mentioned in the General Conditions of the Customer, the only fact of confirming the order of Service implies the express acceptance and without reserve of each of the parts.

COMMAND OF SERVICE. Our offer is valid 2 months as from the date of the estimate. Any command can be registered only after reception by Fax (at (33) 04 74 69 16 46) of our estimate dressed in the handwritten mention " GOOD FOR AGREEMENT " followed by the signature and by the Stamp of the customer compagny. We reserve the right to ask for a deposit before the execution of the Service.

PRICE. Our price is except tax, VAT is in addition. It may be revised in case of non compliance with the announced volume, in that case we reserve us the right to adjust our estimate.

DISPUTE. Any Service being the object of a dispute concerning the present General Conditions of Sale will recover from the exclusive skill of the Commercial court of Lons-le-Saunier (39000) France, The interpretation and the execution of the present General Conditions of Service, are subjected to the French law - according to the current right.

TERMS OF PAYMENT. Our Service is payable in 30 days from the date of invoice. Beyond this term and according to the same law, the penalty will be equivalent for one and a half time the current legal interest in the day of term. The invoicing will be established to the Customer who signed our estimate, who makes a commitment to pay it. The possible new invoicing not being of our competence.

STANDARDS OF HYGIENE. Our Company is under the Protocol of Wash : OENOVISIONS With use of the following products (or equivalents):
- Disinfectant= of type VT53 ( JohnsonDiversey)
- Detergent = of type VF11 ( JohnsonDiversey)
- Descaling agent = of type VV10 ( JohnsonDiversey).
S.A.R.L. VARECHON PERE ET FILS - 16 Fin de VAUXELLES - 39600 MONTIGNY-LES-ARSURES - France/Jura - Tél. (+33) 06 49 52 68 18 - (+33) 06 09 12 92 91
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